Seamless Services Grow Businesses
Ensure you own your domain with WHOIS monitoring, check your SSL certificate expiry and make sure your redirects are functioning as expected with RapidSpike Assurance Monitors.
Domain WHOIS Monitoring
Your domain name is responsible for driving customers to your website as well as ensuring you receive business critical emails.
Losing your Domain WHOIS record could mean you lose your online identity.
SSL Certificates only last for a period of time and tracking the expiry date of these is yet another burden on your already busy work schedule.
Monitor industry leading SEO Statistics for your websites and determine their Search Engine rankings over time.
Never Miss An Expiry
Regular and timely notifications will warn you of an upcoming domain expiry, so you never risk losing a domain. These notifications can be sent to multiple recipients so you can be sure to never miss and important renewal.
Once configured, we regularly check the expiry date of your domain names and notify you using your preferred notification method starting at 30 days before the expiry date. We then enable further monitors to send weekly and then daily reminders to ensure that you do not miss the expiry of your domain. When the domain name has been renewed, the notifications stop and we then note the new date of expiry.
Track Registrar, Nameservers
The Domain Name Monitor tracks all parts of your domain WHOIS record and instantly notifies you if we notice that something has changed from a previous value. This allows you to investigate and hopefully prevent any security breaches before they occur.
Ready to optimise your website’s user experience and protect your revenue?
Start using RapidSpike’s Synthetic User Journey Monitoring today.