Supporting your Website Monitoring Journey

Start for free. No credit card required.


The minimum recommended monitoring for online businesses.

Get Started

  • For sites with traffic below 1m visitors per month
  • Free initial training and frictionless setup
  • Focus on reliability


For established brands with high traffic volume.

Let's Talk

  • For sites with over 1m visitors per month
  • Account management and expert support
  • Focus on performance


Contact Us

For companies with advanced monitoring and support needs.

Let's Talk

  • For multi-brands and global enterprise
  • Tailored onboarding with a dedicated account manager
  • Full spectrum monitoring

All core website monitoring features are included in all plans. Extra licenses required for Attack Detection.

  • Reduce downtime by quickly identifying and resolving website issues, cutting debug time in half
  • Boost conversion rates by up to 15% with targeted improvements based on insightful analytics
  • Access 200 times more website data compared to standard uptime tools for comprehensive insights
  • Prevent payment theft swiftly—resolve issues in minutes instead of months