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You are now able to integrate Opsgenie with RapidSpike to help with your website monitoring alerts.
You are now able to integrate Opsgenie with RapidSpike to help with your website monitoring alerts.
Meet the Team: We hear from the RapidSpike team. Our Project Coordinator discusses how we can use technology to bridge the gap.
We explain changes companies can make in advance to mitigate outages, reduce shopping cart abandonment and improve digital experience in preparation for Black Friday 2020.
Recently, we have witnessed some high-profile Magecart attacks including Boom! Mobile, Wisepay, PlayBack Now, and the most recent JM Bullion data breach.
Our development team have recently upgraded our Webhooks alerts integration to allow for custom headers! Now our Webhooks integration is more powerful and more adaptable than ever.
Meet the Team: We hear from the RapidSpike team. Our Customer Success Engineer explains how they got into tech from a non-tech background.
The latest Magecart attacks include; American Payroll Association, music giant – Warner Music Group, and lifestyle subscription brand – FabFitFun.
This year RapidSpike have teamed up with Deloitte Consulting for our Leeds Digital Festival events – ‘Sweat the Small Stuff’!
Filters Fast knowingly allowed over approximately 3.4 Million customers to shop on their compromised website for over 5 months, in a year-long data breach.
This month there have been more high-profile Magecart attacks. The latest fitness-based website attack is YogaFit, who were compromised for over 6 weeks.
This month we have witnessed some high-profile web-skimming attacks including Claire’s, Intersport and 8 U.S. City Governments.
DIY tool website Greenworks has been hacked by a highly-sophisticated self-cleaning & self-destructing skimmer amid a boost in homeware and gardening.